I just finished my first week of classes! I have to say I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the term. On Monday morning, I had my first elective, Electricity and the Environment, it seems like it will be one of my tougher classes, seeing as my professor wrote the textbook, but it focuses on renewable
energy sources which is what I am interested in. Monday
afternoon I had my research skills class which has a
different topic every week and this week was Getting the Best Out of Your Supervisor. It was kind of a pointless class for me because I have already done a year-long research project, but we did a role playing exercise which I guess was kind of fun. Monday night I had
microeconomics. My Professor is from South Africa and
truly seems like a great teacher so maybe it won't be over my head
after all! The best part of the class was him stopping every half hour to ask someone in the class how his pace/accent was to make sure we were all understanding him. Once, when he stopped, the student's answer was "familiar" so they then had a nice talk about South Africa before we got back to the lesson.
Tuesday morning I made my first Rotary meeting. The club normally meets at lunch, but every four weeks they have a breakfast session. I sat at the head table next to the club president, Jim. He is an elderly gentlemen who has lived everywhere and done everything. The last 20 years he lived in the West Indies! We had a nice conversation about a talk he was giving later in the week entitled "Hiroshima and Nagasaki: I was there." He told me about how when he was in the military he was on a mission to do some of the effect studies after the destruction. I am looking forward to further meetings! Tuesday afternoon I had my Eng for Sustainable Development discussion seminar, which is also a different topic each week. This week was "The Story of Stuff" about our consumerism and how it is destroying the planet. Did you know that if everyone on the planet lived at the US standard of living we would need 5 planets to survive? After the discussion seminar, I had my other elective, Management of Technology. I am really glad I picked this class. My professor was describing the evolution of
different technologies and actually brought examples of some of the first cell phones to class! He also gave us a description of exactly what kind of paper he expected at the end of the term - just what I like - structure!
On Wednesday morning, I had Environment Economic and Community Perspectives with Dr.
Fenner. It was basically just an introduction to the class. On Wednesday night, I had Decision Analysis, which is boring, but I think will be useful. My professor is a visiting professor from Stanford and CEO of a company called
Stratelygics. He gave 5o pounds ($100) to one of the students during the first class for making a good decision so if that continues I'm all for the class!
On Thursday morning, I had crew practice with the Churchill boat. We had a coach and everything! I stroked now that the boat is bow rigged. The practice went amazingly well, I think we actually have potential! We were able to row all 8 square blades for over 20 minutes, which is something we never would have done at Navy! After practice, I had to rush to my last class of the week Sustainable Development Contexts with Professor Guthrie. It was just another basic introduction, but he
definitely encourages class participation so I better do my reading!
Yesterday, Friday, I didn't have class so I basically studied all day. I took a "break" to do a 30 minute erg test, which I did surprisingly well at. Last night I decided to go to the college bar at 10pm, but I got a phone call from the Cambridge crew captain at 9:30pm asking me to row Saturday morning as a sub, meaning I would have to get up at 6am. I decided to go out late anyway and am glad I did!
So this morning I practiced with the Cambridge University's 2
nd eight. Practice went well and I told Harriet, the Captain, I would be willing to sub anytime as long as it wasn't everyday. Apparently, I impressed the coach because he asked me to come back this afternoon to be bow in their first eight for a race, so I'll let you know how that goes! I think they are just trying to trick me into coming back! Regardless, I can now officially say, "I have raced in Cambridge University Women's 1st Varsity Eight."
So that's my first week! Plans for the near future include: going to London for election night for some important American party (Nov 4) and going to Athens Greece for
the marathon (I'm running a 10K) (Nov 6). Also, I have decided not to do University Tennis.