My sponsor Rotarians made sure I had a superb presentation to give once I reached England. I presented my presentation (as if I were in England) at the Moline Rotary Club the week before I left. Besides saving me time when I got here because I didn't have to prepare a presentation, I find it much easier to take bits and pieces of my presentation to fulfill the speaking requirements that different clubs want. I also was confident enough with my presentation to speak by memory and engage the audience.
I mentioned what I was studying this term in an earlier blog post, but I do need to update you on my adaptation and progress. Well, adaptation has not been easy. Students learn in a completely different way here. At the Academy, we had constant assessments: quizzes every week, tests every two weeks, and finals at the end of the semester. At Cambridge, you are completely responsible for your own learning. Each class has one 2 hour lecture each week and then you are required to complete one or two papers during the term. This arrangement means that if you have assigned reading on a topic that has nothing to do with your paper it is solely your decision whether you are going to take the time to read it or not. I try to do the extra reading but it is difficult to find the time. I do feel like I'm learning, but just not as much as I did at the Academy.
I do not have a single test this term. So far, I have submitted two papers and I have five more to submit before next term. I have gotten one of them back and I did ok on it. Really, I just need to get above a 60 on everything to pass. It is very difficult in my program to get anything above a 75, so anything between 60 and 75 is pretty good, which is where I scored. The seven papers I have to submit this term are below.
1. EU 2020 Renewables Target - impacts on UK electricity system
2. Revenge of Gaia book review and sustainability framework assessment of an offshore windfarm
3. Opinions of Chief Executive of Wirral MBC on Mersey Tidal Power Study
4. Vulnerability Framework assessment of floodwall in Davenport, Iowa
5. Lessons learned in role play of Chief Executive of Wirral MBC
6. Socolow Wedges - policy and implementation (carbon dioxide reduction)
7. Technology management processes and open and closed innovation
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